Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Diets & Weight Loss - Ketogenic Diet

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The keto diet provides many health benefits. This diet can not only help you quickly lose weight, but can also improve your overall health and help prevent disease. 

With your custom keto meal plan, you’ll finally have control over your health and figure. Here’s what you’ll get if you start today: 

An eight-week meal plan based on the experience and expertise of industry leaders. That includes nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs to ensure you make optimal progress toward your dream figure. 

A diet optimized to your own ideal calorie and macro intake. If you mess up your calorie and macro intake, you might as well not even start a diet. That's why we base your meal plan on science-based methods to figure out the ideal calorie and macro intake for your situation and goals. 

Delicious meals based on your food preferences. We’ve done extensive research and testing and united with top-leading keto chefs to provide you with mouth-watering recipes. You’ll get meals customized to your food preferences to ensure you’ll look forward to each meal. This not only makes your diet enjoyable but also helps you make a long-lasting change. 

Instructions on how to further customize your meals. For each meal, we’ll provide you with options to further customize your diet to your preferences. For instance, if you don’t feel like eating bacon, you may have the choice to replace it with beef. 

A meal plan with lots of food variety. Your meal plan will contain a wide range of different foods. This ensures you’ll get a broad spectrum of nutrients, while also making sure dieting stays enjoyable. 

Crystal clear, step-by-step recipe instructions.Even if you have no cooking experience, preparing your meals will be a breeze. All you have to do is follow your "paint-by-the-numbers" instructions and reap the rewards that come with it. 

A downloadable grocery list. Stop wasting countless hours in the supermarket. You’ll get a downloadable shopping list for each week that details every needed ingredient you’ll need in the upcoming seven days. 

And much more…

That was just a quick overview of what you’ll get. As you can see, our custom diet plans leave no stone unturned. We've done everything we can to design a convenient, effective, and enjoyable meal plan to help you reach your health and body shape goals.

Keto Diet Benefits 

The keto diet has become extremely popular for its health benefits such as weight loss and preventing disease. The keto diet can be hugely beneficial, but how does it work to provide these benefits? 

What is the Keto Diet? 

You may have heard of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate Atkins diet. The keto diet keeps carbohydrate levels low, but instead of ramping up the amount of protein in your diet, the keto diet increases the amount of fat. A typical keto diet aims for meals with 75% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbohydrate. Eating a high-fat diet can still mean eating healthy. Keto diet menu items often include seafood, meat, dairy products, eggs, vegetables, and nuts. 

How Does the Keto Diet Work? 

It might seem counterintuitive that adding more fat to your diet can lead to weight loss. Normally, your diet is high in carbohydrates, which are broken down into glucose, or blood sugar, for use as energy. As glucose enters your bloodstream, your body releases insulin to store excess glucose as fat. The more carbohydrates, the more glucose. The more glucose, the more insulin, and the more insulin, the more fat. 

The keto diet takes advantage of the fact that when your meals are high-fat and low-carbohydrate, there is no insulin spike, and you don't add to your fat reserves. Instead, fat from the diet and stored fat are broken down to ketones ("keto" is short for "ketogenic" producing ketones). Like glucose, ketones can be used for energy, keeping your body running without increasing blood sugar or putting on excess fat. The benefits of the keto diet can be huge. 

Weight Loss 

Overall, the keto diet is an excellent way to burn fat and lose weight. Eating fewer carbohydrates suppresses appetite, and studies have shown that keto diet participants eat fewer calories overall because of this. Burning fat for energy can lead to rapid weight loss. 

Reduced Blood Sugar and Insulin 

Since carbohydrate intake is limited, blood sugar and insulin levels are lowered. This is particularly important for people with type 2 diabetes, which causes a buildup of glucose in the bloodstream. The keto diet can be used to reduce or eliminate the need for diabetic insulin injections. 

Reduced Triglycerides 

Fat subunit molecules called triglycerides normally circulate in your bloodstream. High levels of triglycerides are a significant risk factor in the development of heart disease. In the keto diet, because fat is being burned for energy, the number of triglyceride molecules in the bloodstream decreases, reducing the risk of heart disease. 

Improved Cholesterol 

"Bad" (LDL) cholesterol is another risk factor for heart disease. Too much bad cholesterol in your bloodstream builds up in your arteries, narrowing them and causing atherosclerosis, a type of heart disease. The keto diet reduces bad cholesterol levels while increasing the level of "good" (HDL) cholesterol in your body. 


The keto diet provides many health benefits. This diet can not only help you quickly lose weight but can also improve your overall health and help prevent disease.


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